Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Good things are happening!

Hi all,

This past week was pretty great. First, I absolutely get along with my companion (: That's a great blessing! I had been praying for a long time that my last companion would be a good one. Sister Vander Hoeven is just awesome. I love her dearly! Second, Elder Falabella, a member of the First Quorum of the Seventy, came to visit our mission, so we had a special Zone Conference. My favorite thing of the whole conference was "Are you really a full-time missionary? Or part-time?". We have been called and set apart to serve as a full-time missionary, but how many of us are really constantly doing missionary work? Elder Falabella said whether we are FULL time missionaries or not depends on what we do during the day. That was very inspiring to me. The sad thing of that conference was I had to bear my departing testimony along with all the missionaries that were leaving after this transfer. I was trying very hard not to cry because no one would be able to understand me, and I didn't cry. I mostly shared my testimony of the Atonement and expressed my gratitude for being able to serve in the Washington Seattle Mission. Third, we had Thanksgiving lunch/dinner with the Rencher's from the ward. They already offered to feed us on Thanksgiving two months ago. They always have good food, so I was really glad that I didn't get transferred. We had turkey, sweet potatoes, mashed potato, fresh pumpkin pie... everything was just sooooooooo delicious. Fourth, we gave talks and performed a musical number at Sacrament meeting, and it went well. Fifth, my companion and I both love shopping/window-shopping to the mall after emailing time (: LIFE IS GOOD!

We have been looking for people to teach for a long time. Tracting houses hadn't been successful, so we accepted the suggestion from our District Leader to tract apartments. Tracting apartments has never been my favorite thing to do, but I knew that we should give it a try. So for the whole week we only tracted apartments, and we found a few people that were willing to set up a return appointment to learn more. We don't know how solid they are yet, but it's a good start.

Another good thing from this past week was exchanges with our Sister Training Leaders. I stayed in our area with Hermana Hales, and Sister Vander Hoeven went to Bellevue with Hermana Boley. Hermana Hales and I have been friends since we served in Bellevue together, which was a long time ago. It was fun to catch up with her and to learn from her. She is an amazing missionary and a hard worker. We saw quite a few miracles during our exchange. Almost all the people that we planned to visit were home when we knocked on their door. We visited a less-active lady, and she said she had been thinking about coming back to church (: We definitely were there at the right time.

At the beginning of my mission, I felt like I would never get to go home. However, time actually goes by fast! Two weeks from today, I will be on the plane going home, and you have no idea how scared I'm about that day... My Mission President already said no to my request of extension, so I guess all I can do is to work hard for the next 2 weeks and to be a FULL time missionary.

Sister Leung

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