Tuesday, November 18, 2014

I'm thankful for my companions

Hi all,

This past week we finally were able to go out to work. I'm glad that Sister Salabao has been feeling better with her stomach. After working with my companions for a week, I can truly say that I'm very grateful to have them as my very last companions on my mission. Sister Salabao and Sister Vander Hoeven are both dedicated missionaries. They truly understand their purpose and have a strong desire to serve the Lord. I have no doubt that they will take care of the people in this area even after I leave. Sister Salabao is the only active member of the Church in her family. She struggles with the language sometimes, but it never stops her from talking with everyone and bearing her testimony. Sister Vander Hoeven is very friendly and nice to everyone and knows how to begin a conversation without being awkward. We have been having a lot of fun together. I'm so thankful that either of them is trunky, and that really has helped me to stay focused on the work.

Last Saturday evening, we were tracting in the cold. I really enjoyed it but my two companions were freezing. Sister Salabao was the one who picked that specific street to be finding at, and I know that she was inspired. We met Daniel (name changed), who was actually a referral from the YSA Elders two transfers ago. My companion at that time and I tried to contact him but never got to meet with him, and he didn't seem to be interested in learning either. But I guess he is now ready to hear the gospel because he stepped outside from his warm house to talk with us in the cold for half an hour. He said that he would love to strengthen his relationship with his Heavenly Father, so we will be working with him. Hopefully I will be able to witness one more baptism before I go home.

Last Friday night, a family in the ward took us out for dinner at a Chinese restaurant. The husband got baptized about 5 years ago but hasn't been active for quite some time, and his wife who is from the Philippines is not a member. They have a 4 year old son. Last transfer, my companion and I stopped by their house and met the wife, but we couldn't communicate with her as she doesn't speak much English. But now we have Sister Salabao!!!! She is from the Philippines as well. So she talked with the wife in Tagalog at dinner while Sister Vander Hoeven and I talked with the husband in English. That was an awesome dinner! The wife agreed to have us come by to teach her more!!!!! And yesterday at Church, we met another family from the Philippines. They don't come to church that often but said they would love to have us come visit them some time. I surely know that President Choi was definitely inspired to transfer Sister Salabao to this area at this time.

Last night, we went to the Member and Missionary Fireside in Bothell. It was the best fireside I ever attended on my mission. We heard some very powerful testimony from recent converts and that really strengthened my testimony and reassured me that my decision to serve a full time mission was right. It was my very last M&M fireside on my mission, and I was so happy that I got to see 6 families from the North Creek ward (in the Bothell state; my second area). They all still remembered me even though it had been 9 months since I got transferred out of that ward. It made my day that I got to see them and chat with them for a few minutes before returning home from my mission.

4 weeks from today will my very last day. I used to think that that day would never come, but it's definitely coming. I'm grateful to have been called to the Washington Seattle Mission. I have absolutely gained a stronger testimony of the restored gospel, developed greater charity for people, and grown closer to my Heavenly Father and my Savior on my mission. I hope you all will always pray for opportunity to share the gospel with those around you, so that more of our brothers and sisters can enjoy the peace and happiness that we have.

Sister Leung

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